Friday, March 18, 2016

What is this Grace?

   Today I was listening to part of the show where the Angel of the Lord is talking to Samson and talking about Gods grace.  Talking about how its never too late and you are never too far gone to receive it.  I love that scene!  and Then Samson Sings a beautiful song called What is This Grace further driving in the truth of this amazing thing called Gods Grace and his amazing Love for us.  I am learning a lot about Grace these days.  How to show it to others and how to show it to myself.  
     So, I am an emotional person.  To those who know me this is not a big surprise.  I feel things.  I’m sensitive.  It is something I love and hate all in the same breath about myself.  Being sensitive, I can sometimes get hurt fairly easy.  As thick of skin as I do have, if I let someone in they have the ability to crush me.  Not just crush me, but manipulate me along the way.  This unfortunately has happened more times than I’d like to admit.  
  I dated someone a long while ago that I fell so in love with.  This love had conditions though.  I had to change who I was.  I had to change opinions of things, convictions about life.   I had to give up friends and family.  I had to become ok with things in order to keep this “love” that I so desperately wanted and thought I needed.   I allowed myself to believe that if I didn’t have that person in my life that somehow my life did not have as much worth.  That if I didn’t hold on to them then I would always be alone.  My self worth became completely wrapped up in and controlled by that relationship.  Thankfully, the Lord closed that door.  It hurt horribly and was one of the toughest things I have ever had to face.  Picking up the pieces of a heart that I unfortunately allowed to get abused and destroyed
  Now, today, I look at my life and I see myself allowing those same things to happen but in different ways.  I look at my value and worth through the lens of those I want approval from.  I allow those people to hold the strings of the Puppet that I become when they are involved.  So the question that I am screaming to myself is…why?  When did I start to value myself so little that I let others walk all over my heart?  Why do I give so much power to others?  Why do I self sabotage? 
    The Big Whopping answer I feel is Fear.  I am so afraid of not being good enough.  Im terrified of being alone for the rest of my life.  I am so scared that I will never have a life with someone and I will never have a family that I so desperately want.  I look at family of dear friends around me and my heart is filled with joy for them but breaks inside wondering if the Lord will ever give me that.  If I will ever be good enough.  If someone will find me attractive or fall in love with me.  
   So that fear then propels me into this cycle of loss prevention.  This is where the morphing starts.  This is where the letting go of control and giving it to others happens.  Then as those relationships change or end….I am left alone and feeling silly because I fought so hard for something or someone that never really was going to love me.  Never going to be the thing I “needed”.  As selfless I think I am being on this quest it actually is super selfish on my end too.  It just seems so hopeless.  
   This is where the positive twist in this Blog happens.  Sorry its been a bit of a downer one.  Grace.  We all have a choice to show Grace and receive Grace.  We all have the ability to walk in that.  To be set free and rest in the Grace.  So for me in these situations I have to 1. Realize and accept Gods Grace and love for me and know that he has plans that are perfect for my life.  That he LOVES me! NO MATTER WHAT!  then 2.  Look at the people in my life with GRACE.  I am not prefect…they are not perfect.  We are all seeking to live a life that is fulling and we all want to be loved.  There has to be grace in this process or these cycles of use and abuse will just continue.  I have to let go of trying to control and manage and show grace as I stand firm in the roots of truth.   Then finally 3.  I have to show myself grace.  I can’t be perfect.  I can’t fulfill the needs of every friend or relationship in my life.  I will fail.  I will fall short…..and there is Grace.  I am a treasured position of a heavenly father who bought me for a high price.  I am a son and heir.  I am redeemed and Loved.  There is Grace.  
  Taking one step further here with the Grace.  I am just as much to blame for getting hurt in many of these situations.  So to hold a grudge or withhold grace is not fair or right. I might want to run for the hills when I get hurt.  I might feel so embarrassed that I can’t stand to look at the person, but Grace.  I have to show it.  I have to extend this gift that has been so freely and richly given to me.  That doesn’t  me that I be flippant with my heart.  It just means that I treat them with the love and respect that I would want to be treat with.  
   Why did I write this long and somewhat oversharing blog!?  haha   I honestly have no clue.  I think sometimes I feel more settled when I write things out, and if by writing this out and sharing it with you all  it encourages or challenges someone else then its a win in my book.  
  One last thing.  To those in my life that have unfortunately gone through this cycle with me, I want to say I am sorry.  Im sorry that I haven’t always responded in grace to you.  Im in process.  This messy man is learning.  And to those dear friends in my life, I want to say thank you for being my rocks and loving me and redirecting me back to Truth and back to Jesus.  Thanks for being there for the tears and breakdowns.  Your love and friendship is a precious gift to me.  

Monday, March 14, 2016

After the Honeymoon

I have neglected my blog!  The last few weeks have been going non stop.  Lots of rehearsals and running around.  Trying to get sleep and then going and rehearsing some more.  I am loving this new show though.  It is different than the typical show here but I like the feel of it and I love the truth that is so clear throughout.  
    Outside of work I think my life has felt like its been put on hold.  Everything kinda feels like it stood still for a bit....and now its starting to move again.   I think when you are in rehearsals it is kinda like the honeymoon stage.  Its new and exciting and no matter how hard the work or how long the hours overall there is a feeling of anticipation.  Then life sets in.  The Run of the show happens and you are forced to face the aches and pains of every day life.  The sore and sprained muscles, the gossip and interpersonal relationships, and the insecurities.  Good and bad collide and you choose to have a good attitude or bad.....daily.  
   So right now my life feels like the honeymoon period of this year has finished.  The start of this year has been great.  I have made some amazing new friends and feel like theres such a great community of people around me.  I feel supported and loved and known!  What a blessing!  There are challenges on the table though that I have not wanted to deal with fully.  There are friendships that need mending and boundaries that need set.  There are bad habits that I have ignored and now need to  knock out.  There is a perspective and a focus that needs to be placed back where it should be.  
    Im so hopeful though.  Hopeful because I have yet to face a challenge or a joy where the Lord hasn't been all over it.  He's provided so much for me, and continues to.  I went from feeling disconnected and lonely to feeling like I have some close solid friends here.  I have an amazing apartment with an awesome roommate.  We have had our challenges but even that has been a blessing and growing opportunity.  I have a dog that, although he likes to eat things that are bad for him, I adore.  No matter the struggle, weather it be financial, or spiritual, or emotional the Lord has been there guiding and sustaining through it all.  So although this honeymoon period is closing up, and although i have some fear of challenges ahead and insecurities that are under the surface, I am trusting.  Making that daily choice to believe and rest in Gods amazing Grace.  Just like this show Samson is so beautiful showing, Gods grace is perfect.  His loves is beyond what we can imagine or understand.  Our job is just to embrace that Love and walk in it,  knowing that his ways are best.

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