Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's a New Year Ya'll

So, the page has turned and we have started this new year of 2011. What journey awaits us!!! Right now I am in Missouri spending time with friends and family, and just being plain bored. I have no job right now and I am surviving off of my savings until I start my next cruise ship contract. I guess being away for awhile I forgot how little there is to do in this small town. I feed my coffee addiction with the little coffee joints that are here that I love. I have found a couple new places that I enjoy. Movie theaters, restaurants, etc. but then I realize that there really is nothing else. I have been spoiled with travel and amazing places with loads to do. I have gotten use to moving all the time and having something to occupy myself....and now.....I have the rolling hills of Missouri. I love this place and I loathe it all at the same time.
This also is kind of a bummer because I love writing on this blog. It is such a wonderful way to process though different events in my life, and right now.......nothing is happening. I talked to my good friend Cat the other day and she said that she had started a blog. It is Hilarious!!! Makes me laugh until I pee. I think it was what I needed to start getting some new inspiration to write on this. So, here's to a new year of travel, of adventures, of growth, and living. Get ready to have some random blogs for the next bit though as I search for something interesting and exciting to do and experience in Missouri!

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