Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Beginning of the Journey

It has been a whirlwind of a few days. Driving home on Thursday, spending time with friends, and then hopping on a plane for the start of my rehearsals for the Norwegian Jewel. For starters I am always reminded every time I go home and see friend how much I am loved and cared for. I have been so blessed to have made such deep friendships. I know I mention friendships alot in this blog but I guess that is just showing how important they are to me. I finished off my time in Missouri with best friends sharing Italian food and a nice bit of Sangria! Yummy! Thanks for being there guys!
This morning I got up at 4:00am and got my things together just in time to be taken to the airport. I had to be there by 5:00am but made it there a little after. I made my way to the gate and handed my papers to the clerk. She weighed my bags and then said with a rushed look on her face "You are 5 pounds over. Lose it or you will lose your flight." I quickly opened up all of my bags and started throwing things around trying to get thing done quickly. Underwear on the floor I through any shame to the wind in order to make the flight. Finally I got it all together and hurried to put my bag back on the scale. I was still a bit over and the lady said "Go, just go!" I smiled and ran quickly to the security check, which I got through just in time to make my flight.
I settled into my seat and waited to leave. Then at the last minute a familiar face comes though the door and sits next to me. One of my best friends growing up, her husband is a pilot and was on his way to work. We chatted a bit and caught up on what was going on with myself and he and my friend Jess. Such a small world! I was thankful for the familiar face at the start of this next leg of my journey. Calmed me down a bit.
I made it to the connecting flight, but not before a quick stop at Dunkin Donuts. I sat down in my seat and then a lovely little girl ( who I thought was a boy) sat next to me. She was incredibly talkative we became quick friends. I am currently reading the Harry Potter series ( thank you Patrick Shaw ;-) ) So my little friend decided she wanted to read with me. It was so cute and although I sometimes got a bit annoyed with the commentary and talkativeness, it reminded me of a more innocent time and warmed my heart. Calmed me down a bit.
Finally made it to Tampa, Florida and met Max, the other male singer, and my friend Ryan who is one of the dancers. We made out way to our hotel and met the rest of our cast. Everyone seems really great. We start rehearsals tomorrow morning at 9:00am beginning with a little orientation time. It was a great day and it kept me nice and busy. Filled with little reminders of my love, and also reminders that my season on the ship is going to be very short.
I am so thankful for the little messages and texts that remind me that I am missed and loved. Today I had several and it was such a blessing to my heart. Thank you! I love you! I miss you! I am realizing now that I will be seeing you in just a blink of time, and that is a happy thought indeed. For now, I am excited for rehearsals to start and to become an amazing pop star! One step at a time........

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